日本語 / English
CBI Sponsored Session: Special Seminar
Date: Tuesday, 9 October 2018, 14:00 to 15:30
Venue: Tower Hall Funabori (CBI2018 conference site) Room 303
Dr Giovanna Tedesco (Cresset, UK)
Dr Clinton Threlfall (SilcsBio, USA)
Dr Marcus Yeo (DefiniGEN, UK)
Dr Kazuyoshi Ikeda (Keio University, Japan)
Organiser and sponsor:
Biospire Japan Ltd. & Level Five Co.,Ltd.
Online registration is now available.
Rapid improvement of GPU computer technology (so called AI drug discovery) and iPS disease modelling can change the concept of drug discovery pathways.
From Cresset, novel methods of molecular designing using newly released SBDD software -Flare- will be explained. Modern structure-based design encompasses hundreds of methods, advanced algorithms and diverse biological targets. Cresset has a long-standing reputation for easy to use applications in the ligand-based design sphere. In deciding to bring Flare, a new structure-based design application, to the market we created a challenge – can structure-based design be made simple?
From SilcsBio, case studies using their free energy based ligand designing will be introduced. SilcsBio provides software and services for unlocking the full potential of computer driven drug design. Our algorithms for mapping proteins will provide you with a level of detail you have never before experienced. From our highly accurate free energy maps to conformational nuances revealing hidden pockets of opportunity, you will discover a whole new world of possibilities.
From DefiniGEN, the latest drug discovery trends introducing gene-edited iPS-derived cells which are used by global pharma to identify novel rare disease targets. Unique iPS differentiation technology platform has been combined with the market-leading CRISPR gene-editing technology to offer a unique resource for custom cell line development. This enables the precise introduction of any desired mutation and the rapid production of optimized disease models of monogenic and complex diseases including Diabetes and NAFLD. Ultimately the client receives fully differentiated, rigorously QCed cell products which are genotype and phenotype verified in a highly relevant physiological background.