Consultant / Partner

Dr Masashi Matsunaga


BSc, PhD.

BIOSPIRE株式会社 代表取締役

拠点 ケンブリッジ(英国)、京都(日本)

  • 13年間、日系および外資系大手企業において、化学、ライフサイエンスにおける新素材、新技術の価値を向上させ、新規B-to-Bユーザー開拓を行う経験を積む。
  • 2010年にBiospireを創業後、自身のネットワークを活かしながら、海外ベンチャーの日本企業への紹介を中心としたビジネスデベロップメントを経験。
  • 同時に英国の再生医療系ベンチャーの中心的プレイヤーとして、社内オペレーション改革とビジネスの垂直的立ち上げを現在進行形で行っている。

Masashi Matsunaga is an experienced international business development professional working in the life sciences and chemical fields for more than 18 years. He has created invaluable personal networks in the Japanese, English and oversea business communities as well as government and academic societies. He also has team management skills that he developed diverse international teams both in large and small companies. Always Masashi is challengeable for new innovative businesses with creating new value to the market with understanding the key value of the technology being able to present to different level of peoples. 

Dr Tim Hart


Founder and Director of Biospire Consultant (U.K.).

拠点: オックスフォード(英国)



  • 現在までに、3つのベンチャー企業を英国で立ち上げた創業家。
  • 現在は、オックスフォード大学が100%出資するコンサルタント会社におけるデベロップメント・ダイレクターとして、オックスフォード大学の持つノウハウ、付加価値などを新興国を中心に還元する仕事を行う傍ら、新規技術の発掘や新たなベンチャー企業創設に目を光らせている。
  • 2010年に、松永と同時期にBiospireを創業。

Tim studied for a BSc in microbiology at the University of Nottingham and gained a PhD in environmental microbiology at the University of Surrey in 1997. He then pursued an academic career as a Research Fellow at the Universities of Portsmouth and Surrey.

By 2001 Tim had developed a more active interest in commercialising science and at this time spun-out his first company in environmental diagnostics. The company developed a patented field-based toxicity test for soil and went on to specialise in the provision of field analytical products and services for international environmental analysis markets. Tim led the company for seven years, taking it through several rounds of investment and towards trade sale in 2008.

Tim joined Isis Innovation Ltd at the University of Oxford in 2008 as a Consultant, focusing on assignments to support start-up teams in the commercialisation of a wide range of technologies from across the world. In July 2009, he secured investment from Hong Kong for Zyoxel Ltd. This business is developing a human tissue testing platform from the University of Oxford for applications in the development of drugs and regenerative cell therapies.

Tim has >20 years of experience in the commercialisation of early stage technologies. He supports a range of UK government science entrepreneurship initiatives in the UK and has provided editorial and oral presentations on the subject to a wide range of audiences across the world. He has been a business mentor for the Princes Trust and advised a diverse range of start-up businesses.
